Thursday, April 5, 2007

Question: Educating Your Toddler?

I have been teaching Ty his numbers, colors, and letters. He has been making progress. He tries to sing his ABC's with us, will repeat the letter after us, will repeat the numbers after us, will say he colors after us, he can also tell you the color blue and the color green if you ask him what color is this. I think or thought he was doing well.

Last weekend we were with my husband's family for a Easter Egg hunt and one of his cousin's has a daughter 3 weeks older than Ty. Her mother was bragging that she can recognize and tell you her whole alphabet, she can count 1-15 on her own, she can tell you all of her colors and she is now counting 1-10 in spanish. Are they drilling it in her day and night? Is she lying about how advanced(her word, not mine) her child is? Is she trying to make Ty inferior to her child? Am I not working enough with Ty?

I personally think Ty is doing very well and is right on schedule. He talks up a storm and knows everything we say. He is a little sponge.

Tell me your thoughts on this. Any suggestions? Any comments? Any opinions?

1 comment:

Diane said...

I wouldn't worry about this.

Mothering is like anything else, some Mom's are really into bragging and having their little one flourish is too important.

For all you know, this child is coached all the time and if that's the case--it's no wonder the tot knows all of this.

Kids should be allowed to have fun and enjoy themselves. I'm not one for overdoing at such a young age. All kids learn and develop differently.

I found you at CafeMom. I'm a member too and I have my own blog too.

Don't worry!