Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well, I still have this horrible joint pain. The prescription the dr gave me hasn't helped a bit. My Dr. called on Sunday afternoon with some of my test results and everything he has gotten back so far has been good. He is still waiting for the arthritis test and the Lupus test. Another possibility is Lyme's Disease. Someone mentioned this to me and I thought that would be out of the question until we found a tick on our dog on Saturday morning. Great! So if my test results all come back good then he will take more blood work to check for Lyme's.

Needless to say, I am scared. I have two small children to take care of and the pain is bad enough, but to have RA, Lupus or Lyme's, I can't imagine.

I am hoping for some good news!

Today is my 26th birthday!

I received a call last night from a company I interviewed with a couple weeks ago. I had three interviews and I have been waiting to hear. Well last night the HR lady called and asked if I was still interested and said they would really like me to work for their company. So she said she would go ahead and do my credit check and background check and call this morning to officially offer me the job. Cross your fingers everything goes well! Hopefully more good news for my birthday!

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