Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Trip to Buffalo

This past weekend we took the kids and packed up the car for a trip to Buffalo to visit my husband's brother, his wife and they're little girl Aubrey. It is a 5 hour ride from our Northeastern Pa home to Buffalo. And if you've ever taken a trip with a two year old or a 5 1/2 month old or both you know how crazy it can be. We packed up practically the whole house, diapers, food, pillows, blankets, clothes, books, toys, beds ect. Anything you might possibly need. We made sure to leave right after both kids were fed and changed. The trip went pretty well, Ty talks up a storm until he fianlly gives in and takes a nap. Bryce pretty much slept the whole time until he needed to eat. We had a nice visit, playing games, visiting Niagra Falls, shopping, eating in and out and going to church on Sunday morning.

The trip home however was a little different. We were all very tired from not getting much sleep. Ty had woken up at 4:45 in the morning screaming because he didn't know where he was. He was terrified and would not go back to sleep. He woke the whole house. So our day started very early. We took the kids to church with us like we normally do, but Ty could not sit there. By 9:30 mass he had almost been up for 5 hrs and need a nap badly. Jim had to take him out and walk him around, luckily it was almost 80 degrees out. The preist was long winded and mass seemed to last forever. Needless to say Ty took a very good nap on the way home as well as did Byrce...almost three hrs. I kept drifting off, really wanting a nap, but I kept myself awake to help Jim stay awake. We kept our eyes posted for the nearest Starbucks for some much needed caffine. It took us about 3 hrs to find a coffee shop between Buffalo and home. But those Java Chip Frappachino's did the trick! Next time we need to stay for more than one night. Over all the boys did very well.

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