Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween Fun!

When I was a little girl, our family had an annual Halloween Party for all the neighborhood kids. We always had such a great time getting dressed up, playing games and having good treats. We haven't had that party in probably 15 yrs. So this year I decided I wanted to reinstate our annual Halloween Party for the newest generations of our family and neighborhood kids.

I planned for about a month to pull this party together. I had invitations made at They had great invitation layouts that you can just inupt all your info into as well as having great prices. You can't beat it! Sorry Kristy! I researched different recipies for cute Halloween treats. I looked up Halloween games online and found some really fun games.

This whole week I spent gathering the tools I needed, grochery chopping and cleaning the whole house top to bottom(I wish our house always could look like this). Yesterday was thie big day and I had a lot to do to get ready. On top of that I babysit my cousin's little girl Hayden on Thursday's who is 2. I vacuumed all the rooms, made brownies, made cup cakes, made dip for the chips, mopped the floor, and set up everything. Then I had to shower when my husband got home, get dressed, get Ty dressed, and get Bryce dressed, just as all of our guests started to arrive.

We had an awesome time! We played some relay games, candy corn relay, ghost waiter, wrap your mummy, then we played musical chairs, but with a twist, then we bobbed for apples. Even the adults came dressed up and played the games. Jim and I were the Spartan Cheerleaders from SNL. Tyler was a race car driver, and Bryce was a little turtle.

I think this will be an annual event again! A tradition at the Casey house.

What traditions do you have in your homes?

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