Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Where are you?!?!? Bryce???

Well I made it through the wedding this weekend and the display shower. Thank God! And everything went well with both.
The baby has decided that he is going to stay in there at least for now. I have 11 days until my actual due date. As of this week he should be around 7 1/2 lbs. This is starting to scare me. I know, I know many women have babies that are 7, 8 or 9 lbs. But Tyler was only 6 12 1/2. So I am nervous about having a larger baby. Although, Tyler was really small and looked so fragile. A bigger baby wouldn't quite be so fragile. Maybe it would be nice to have a little meat on his bones.
This brings me to my next dilema. Jim and I have had many people lately tell us that Bryce is a girls name or that they know a girl named Bryce, and then we saw a girl in the news paper named Bryce. So what do you think? Does Bryce scream girl to you? Do you think it sounds like a boy name? I couldn't find Brice or Bryce under girls names in any baby books, only under boys. So we need your help!


tawni said...

Bryce is a boys name. I have never heard this name for a girl here in California, so no worries. That is a different name for a girl!!

Anonymous said...

Hi I have a 13 year old daughter named Bryce. She is adorable!!!! When I named her I hadn't heard the name either way. In Aspen Extremes the rich girl is named Bryce.