Friday, March 30, 2007

Choosing Names for Baby

Choosing a name for a baby can be a really difficult task. My husband and I are having our second child, second boy, and it took a long time to come up with something we agreed on and that our parents would accept.

So many people think they should put their two cents in when you are choosing a name, friends, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and others you hardly know. I am always hearing “that name reminds me of” or “I knew some one named that and they”. My husband is a teacher and he will say “every Brandon and Ryan I know are hyper”. I have a cousin Michael and my aunt always says “don’t name your son Michael, Michael’s are always getting into trouble.”

I really like the name Max, but my brother in-law says that it reminds him of the dog on The Grinch. So? Is that supposed to be bad? Again my husband wasn’t fond of Max, and I didn’t really like Maxamillian, Maxwell, Maxim or Maximus, so that was out.

Jim and I really didn’t want to name the baby after anyone and didn’t want to take anyone’s names that are already being used by our families (we both come from really large families). We wanted something different, not the same old Jim, Joe, Bill, Tom (him and his brothers names), but not a weird name either. Another thing we wanted to consider was our son Tyler. We wanted to choose a name that sounded good with Tyler. And since Tyler will only be 23 months when the baby will be born, we need something he will be able to say easily.

We have looked at all the baby name books and nothing really stuck out at us. Then I tried looking at Irish names (my husband’s family is 100% Irish). My mom and I came across the name Bryce. Bryce was one of the names I liked when I was pregnant with Ty, but my husband didn’t like. But I thought I would try it with Jim again. And this time he liked it. So Bryce it is! My mom liked it, his parents liked it (amazing), my friends liked it, but most importantly we liked it.

As for the middle name….that we are still debating.

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